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Live a More Comfortable Life with a Smart Climate Control System

Take Control of Your Home’s Temperature with the Touch of a Button

Live a More Comfortable Life with a Smart Climate Control System

Wouldn’t you like to be more comfortable in your home? Even though you love your home’s design, décor, and modern technologies, you can add another upgrade that improves your comfort level. Smart climate control allows you to adjust your heat and AC from a touchpad or app. Because it can be integrated with a home automation system, it works in sync with your motorized window blinds and shades to achieve the optimal temperature in your Charleston, SC, home.

Instead of changing the thermostat several times a day, let your smart climate control system do the work for you. You’ll elevate your comfort level and make your home a little smarter, too. Read automated to discover the benefits of installing an automated indoor climate control system.

SEE ALSO: 3 Smart Ways to Command Your Motorized Shades And Blinds

The Perfect Temperature All Year Long

It would have been miserable to live in South Carolina without air conditioning. Can you imagine the humidity, heat, and bugs?! And yet, people did it because they didn’t know what they were missing. Now, we have the modern conveniences of AC and heating to add more luxury to our lives . . . and less misery! Still, there’s even more you can do to elevate your experience.  

Smart climate control systems maintain the perfect temperature in every room and every season. Although like a thermostat, they offer so much more. The system works with your thermostat and motorized window treatments. During cooler times in the day, it opens the shades to welcome the sun’s warmth. Then, when the sun’s rays start to heat your home to a certain temperature, the system adjusts the blinds to maintain the ideal temperature. You’ll never notice climate fluctuations, because the climate control system precisely manages everything based on your settings.

What a Smart Thermostat Can Do for You

Your thermostat is programmable, but is it smart? Probably not. It simply obeys your orders by cycling through programmed settings. But how does it respond when you alter your activities during the day or when the weather changes? It doesn’t respond at all. Instead, it just keeps following orders.

Much like motorized shades, a smart thermostat automatically adjusts based on the weather outside, the activities in your house, and other factors. In addition to having temperature sensors, it also determines whether a home is occupied. If you want to take command of the system, you still can. And you can do it remotely. Just access your smartphone app and make the temperature adjustments you want.

At the same time, you can program different scenes, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or “on vacation.” Then, by pressing a button on your smart tablet or smartphone, the system adjusts for you. That includes the lighting controls, motorized shades, climate control system, and any other connected device.

Would you like to learn more about having a climate control system in your home? It’s easy to get started. Call Custom Home Sound at (843) 532-8346 or fill out our contact form to request a consultation.

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Custom Home Sound
Charleston, SC

phone:  (843) 532-8346

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